A short history of my life with Gary, his passing and how the deeply impacted my life.
It was written and published in March 2014, fourteen months after the love of my life passed away
It's been a 16 months since Gary passed. So how am I doing and what have I been doing to heal as I progress through the bereavement process?
A friend of mine thought that I could do with a bit of a reset after spending almost 17 months in isolation. After our chat about my medium- and long-term plans, she invited me to attend a 3-day 'Tony Robins-style' mindset breakthrough event.
First published in February 2015, this very short essay uses the amusement park as an analogy to life, and the rides as a metaphor, to life'sexperiences.
First published April 2016, this short essay focused on my feelings of fragmentation and what I've been doing to reintegrate the essence and core of self.
If there is one thing that life has taught me, it's that the only thing we can count on in life is change. This short essay explores my thoughts on change in the face of bereavement. I wrote and published this in May 2016
First published December 2015, this is a short essay about the importance of self-development.
In 1991 and again in 2009, Gary and I wrote and published our Book of Runes. The 3rd Edition is in progress and will be available for purchase later this year.