At Insights with Anna, my story began with the Runes some forty-plus years ago to which was added my passion for helping people succeed.
Armed with The Runes, a Post Graduate Certificate in Business Management, and qualifications in Emotional Resilience. I have healed myself of the emotional wounds of my childhood and teens, that had led me to experience quite a bit of inner blockage, which in turn was causing negative cycles to repeat themselves. Fed-up with the negativity and recognising that I was not at that time achieveing my full potential I was drawn to use the Runes to heal myself and in the healing process the trajectory of my life was forever changed for the better.
By my mid-twenties, I had found love, had married, and had started my family. Reading Runes till that point had been a very personal thing that I did for myself, family and very close friends. It was my husband that suggested and encouraged me to become a professional Rune Reader and writer. It was his view that I had a special gift and that it would be selfish of me to keep it hidden and so it was that in 1991, with his love and support that I went out into the world to use my gift to help others. Since that time I have read and supporter thousands of people across the UK and Worldwide; through my Rune Casting Services.
With forty years experience in working with The Runes, helping myself and others to live their lives and achieve their fuller potential, by providing insight and clarity when facing many of life, relationship and business challenges.
Through my use of the Runes I can provide you insight into the unseen and underlying influence which are impacting your life; as well as providing you insight into the blockages, challenges and obstacle's, which might be blocking you from achieving your heart's desire, and the provide you with the knowledge to overcome.
Everything I do is about adding value to the lives of others.
My passion is to help you become the best version of yourself and support you in living your best life!
I hope that in giving you an insight into me, my life and my work with the Runes, that you will allow me to help you find the answers you need; when you need them most!
All readings are by APPOINTMENT ONLY
Please feel free to call me on +44 (0) 7465 932099 or email me at
I look forward to being of service to you!